
Flexible Mortgage Solutions for Challenging Times

Blog-Date-1Nov 24, 2020

There has been cause for cautious optimism recently amid progress in the development of COVID-19 vaccines. Along with our fellow Canadians, we are heartened by this encouraging news. Nonetheless, we recognize that there are still challenging times ahead for families, businesses and the country as a whole.

As borrowers across Ontario continue to face economic uncertainty, we will continue to do what we always do: work closely with brokers to provide flexible mortgage solutions for difficult cases.

Versatile lending driven by common sense

At Pillar, we know that now more than ever there is demand for mortgage lending driven by common sense rather than rigid rules.

As families grapple with issues like layoffs, underemployment and struggling businesses, we’re ready to assess their full financial situation and think creatively to come up with mortgage terms that work for everyone.

Versatile solutions.

Our aim is to provide transitional lending to help borrowers during this difficult period so they can end up in a better financial position.

All mortgage applications welcome

We welcome applications for all types of residential first mortgages in Ontario outside the GTA, including:

  • Rural properties: We lend on a wide range of rural properties, including single-family dwellings, multi-unit properties, and non-traditional properties such as agricultural land.
  • Self-employed borrowers: We offer mortgages to Canada’s self-employed population, taking the time to understand their business, their cash flow and unique circumstances.
  • Construction deals: We provide flexible financing for various construction and renovation deals, including vacant land, self-build projects and manufactured homes.
  • Debt consolidation: We offer refinancing solutions for a variety of scenarios, from debt consolidation and irregular cash flow to discharged bankruptcies and paying out consumer proposals.

For more details about the types of deals we lend on download our Pillar Fact Sheet:

Pillar fact sheet

We are here to help

The challenges of 2020 have forced us all to adapt to new realities and different ways of operating. At Pillar, this has meant doubling down on our commitment to providing flexible mortgage solutions.

If you have difficult files, our business development and underwriting teams are ready to help. To discuss a deal or get clarity on a mortgage application, contact us today.

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