As a mortgage broker, you know that navigating the industry is not always a straightforward process. Finding the right lender can be complicated, especially when clients have unique needs or challenges.
Unlike the big banks, we recognize that there are more criteria to consider than just a credit score, and more variables to work with than the interest rate alone. We focus on the possibilities and building solutions that work for you and your clients.
Working with us means you can provide your clients with tailored solutions that meet their specific needs. Because we believe in taking a flexible, common-sense approach to lending.
We Dig Deeper To Enhance Your Reputation
At Pillar, we have a unique perspective on lending. Not only do we consider the traditional criteria utilized by other lenders, but we also streamline the background number-crunching for these metrics.But our approach goes way beyond ticking boxes. We take the time to understand your client’s story and develop a deeper profile of their circumstances. It may seem obvious, but only a partner who truly cares about you and your reputation will do it.
We understand a credit score is just one piece of the bigger picture. By making the effort to understand your client’s full profile, we’re able to be more flexible in our criteria and adapt our proposed solutions to their specific situation.
Here are 3 examples of criteria we offer flexibility on when configuring a deal:
- The structure the lender fee
- The amortization period
- The loan to value percentage
The Key To Overcoming Mortgage Obstacles? A True Partner.
When you partner with us, you’re never left alone to overcome any obstacles that may come up. Our underwriters work closely with you to surmount challenges and deliver creative mortgage solutions that better meet the needs of both borrowers and brokers.
By being responsive to your needs in how we structure deals, we can provide workable solutions that save your clients money and help you deliver the positive client experiences that grow your reputation. As markets shift the need for creative solutions rises, so don’t hesitate to get in touch.